About Me
I'm a computer scientist in the making. My path started with dentistry in the Dominican Republic, which helped me build a solid base for my analytical skills, work ethic, attention to detail, and love for science. My passion for tech, however, began earlier at PJDG Technical High School, where I specialized in Computer Science and gained my first exposure to programming and problem-solving. I followed that passion after moving to the US and transitioned into computer science. I'm proficient in languages like Java, Python, C, and C++. I'm actively exploring Web Development and Machine Learning. Ultimately, I want to use my skills to create impactful solutions.
Active Calories Tracker
The Active Calories Tracker is a Swing-based GUI application that calculates and tracks the calories burned during different types of exercise. It allows users to input exercise details and view the total calories burned. This project was created as part of a course project to learn and apply Java Swing for building graphical user interfaces.
File Encoder/Decoder
This project is a C program that provides functionality to encode and decode text files into a custom AAG file format. The AAG file format is designed with a specific structure that includes metadata about the text file, such as a checksum and text size, to ensure data integrity.
Technical Skills
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